
(1st MASTERCLASS) Road Map to Healing: How to Find What You NEED

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(1st MASTERCLASS) Road Map to Healing: How to Find What You NEED


This is a practical 'road map' to help you identify and understand what you need in order to heal from narcissistic abuse!

This is a simple to understand instructional guide.

Once you can visibly see where you might be stuck on your healing journey, you will understand the next steps you must take to continue to develop in the direction of actualizing your potential.

You will gain valuable insights, a focal point, and you will come to comprehend a greater meaning of your journey.

This is for you, if you need:

-More clarity about why you're stuck,

-Help with identifying your destructive patterns,

-Wonder what your life's full potential is after narcissistic abuse,

-To clearly identify what your next steps need to be to gain more freedom,

-A visual compass to help you resolve cognitive dissonance,

-To recognize what motivates you,

-To pinpoint the reasons why you sabotage & procrastinate,

-To find how you can find more fulfilment and inspiration,

-To track your path of personal development,

-Find out how to courageously keep moving forward despite any hardship, ..

then you will find this masterclass invaluable!

This FIRST masterclass consists of 10 videos explaining the specific order of essential needs, which must be met,

so you can become your authentic self,

and gain freedom from narcissistic abuse.

It's most suited for beginners, who feel stuck, overwhelmed and confused.

It's also for those who have committed to healing (with an intermediate knowledge) yet still remain perplexed about their direction and how to exit the narcissists web.

(its probably not suitable for those with an advanced knowledge of narcissism. If you are an advanced student, please register for: Transcending Narcissism instead)

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Over 80 minutes of EXCLUSIVE VIDEO CONTENT! Consisting of 10 concise videos (not seen on YouTube)

Internal Inventory video-to help you track your healing progress
Brief Introduction to Transcending Narcissism
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